7 Steps to Your First Steps: How To Buy Your Initial Home
1. Choose your favorite areas. Ride through neighborhoods. Visit www.HipHoods.com. Ask your friends. Figure out what your home style is. There are many to choose from, but this is the fun part! Do you prefer cottages and bungalows? Maybe a great in-town neighborhood, like Chantilly or Plaza Midwood, is your best option. Do you love new construction? Look out toward Matthews and Ballantyne. Want to be close to the water? Lake Norman has a lot to offer… just ask Michael Jordan
2. Contact an agent. I know a great one! Email Sami 3. Find out how much you can afford. If you don’t already have one, your agent will have a list of preferred lenders. By providing some basic employment, income, credit and debt history information, this free process will show you a closely estimated price range of homes that fit your lifestyle.4. Look at properties! Your agent will use a gigantic search database, plug in your criteria, and come up with some spectacular properties to meet the needs of your family. She will take you to look at the ones that peak your interest.5. Make an offer. Choose your top home choice and, with an experienced agent’s help, come up with a reasonable offer. If accepted, the house is almost yours! If, not, you may have to increase price/qualifications to meet the seller’s wishes.6. Closing process. This is the time where a professional agent will be of great help. You’ll have to get appraisals, inspections, and financing squared away during this time. With an expert agent, this process will go very smoothly.7. Closing day. The home is yours! Sign papers and pack your bags. Your first home awaits you.